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Award Announcement:

We're thrilled to share that participants from nearly forty countries showed interest and took part in the Elysian Harmony International Music Competition. After thorough evaluation and review by our esteemed judges, we're now ready to announce the winners.

Please note that while we won't be disclosing the recipients of the Encouragement Award, we encourage all participants to keep pursuing their musical endeavors. Over the next two weeks, all participants will receive feedback and critiques from the judges.

Thank you to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winners! Stay tuned for the complete list of awardees.

——Elysian Harmony International Music Competition Committee 


(EHIC 2024 SEASON 3)



Absolute First Prize 

Hao Ding

First Prize 

Vasiliy Vertogradskiy

Second Prize

Kelly Woo


First Prize 


Second Prize

Niantong Li - cat. Young Artist ( Age 15-17 ) 

Michael Lee​ - cat. Young Artist ( Age 15-17 ) 

Third Prize

Cecilia Zhang- cat. Young Artist ( Age 15-17 ) 



First Prize 


Second Prize

Ciro Lo Cascio - cat. Rising Stars (Age 18-21)

Ziyue Wang- cat. Rising Stars (Age 18-21)

Third Prize

Ryan Gu - cat.03. Junior Maestros (Age 10-12)

Ciro Lo Cascio - cat. Etude B

(from age 17)

Daniel Kim- ccat. Young Artist ( Age 15-17 ) 

All contestants’ judges’ evaluations and E-Certificates will be sent via email before January  22th.


First Prize 


Second Prize


Zhao Liu - cat. Jazz B ( from age 17)


Yuchen Zhao - cat. Young Artist ( Age 15-17 ) 


Third Prize

Marco Rivera - cat. cat. Rising Stars (Age 18-21)


First Prize 


Second Prize

Emily Zhang – cat. Young Virtuoso (Age 13–15)

 Luca Moretti – cat. Rising Stars (Age 18–21)

Third Prize

 Sophie Tan – cat. Junior Maestros (Age 10–12)

  Daniel Ivanov – cat. Etude B (from age 17)

 Hannah Lee – cat. Young Artist (Age 15–17)

First Prize 

 Isabella Chen – cat. Young Artist (Age 15–17)

Second Prize 

 Matteo Rossi – cat. Rising Stars (Age 18–21)


Third Prize 


 Sophia Müller – cat. Junior Maestros (Age 10–12)

David Kim – cat. Etude B (from age 17)

 Emma Laurent – cat. Intermediate Artist (Age 13–15)

(EHIC 2024 SEASON 2)

Vasiliy Vertogradskiy


Absolute First Prize 

Vasiliy Vertogradskiy

Third Prize

Kam Biu Leung


First Prize 

Jeremiasz Przybylinski- cat. 05. Young Artistry (Age 15-17)

Second Prize

Tianyu Wang - cat.03. Junior Maestros Age 10-12


Absolute First Prize 


Eamon Lam cat.05. Young Artistry (Age 15-17)


Third Prize

Qianqian Zhang cat. 06. Rising Stars

(Age 18-21)

All contestants’ judges’ evaluations and E-Certificates will be sent via email before September 30th.

The Best Technical Award for Composer

Vasiliy Vertogradskiy - Composition

Excellent Musicianship Special Award

Tianyu Wang - cat.03. Junior Maestros (Age 10-12)

Excellent Technique Special Award

Eamon Lam cat.05. Young Artistry (Age 15-17)​​​​​

Jeremiasz Przybylinski- cat. 05. Young Artistry (Age 15-17)

Grand Winner
   Lian Duan


Absolute First Prize

Rita Scibilia - cat. MordernA ( From age 17 ) *

Tuan Chun Yeh - cat. Emerging Talents ( Age 7-9 ) * 

Kexin Xiang - cat. Classic A ( Under age 16 ) *

First Prize

Kexin Xiang - cat. Young Artist ( Age 15-17 ) 

Jolyn Jialin Yan - cat. Jazz A ( Under age 16 ) *

Xirui Wang - cat.  Emerging Talents ( Age 7-9 ) *

Second Prize

Joyln Jialin Yan - cat.  Emerging Talents ( Age 7-9 ) 

​Zixuan Zhang - cat.  Emerging Talents ( Age 7-9 ) 


Absolute First Prize

Yaoji Wang - cat. Rising Stars( Age 18-21 ) *

First Prize

Olga Melnychuk - cat. Rising Stars( Age 18-21 ) *

Qiuyi Qian - cat. Rising Stars( Age 18-21 ) 


Names marked with * represent that the contestant has won multiple music awards.


First Prize

 Daigo Nishiyama - cat. Professional showcase

( No age limit )


First Prize

Vasiliy Vertogradskiy

Second Prize

Konstantin Kokourov

Third  Prize

 Daniel Maticevic


Absolute Prize

Yuxuan Tang - cat. Seasoned Performers ( Age 22-24 ) *

First Prize

Jiaheng Shen - cat. Seasoned Performers ( Age 22-24 )

Yujie Shao - cat. Rising Stars( Age 18-21 ) 

Shiqi Feng - cat. Rising Stars( Age 18-21 ) 



First Prize

Shuai Zhang - cat. Professional showcase ( No age limit )

Second Prize

Ava Park - cat.Young Artist ( Age 15-17 )

Third  Prize

Kaibo Zhang - cat. Junior Maestros ( Age 10-12 )

Shuwei Wang - cat. Rising Stars( Age 18-21 ) Violin


Absolute First Prize

Lian Duan - cat. Professional Showcase (No age limit) 


Second Prize

Xuchen Zhang - cat. Seasoned Performers ( Age 22-24 ) 

The Best Technical Award for Composer

Vasiliy Vertogradskiy - Composition

Excellent Technique Special Award

Vasiliy Vertogradskiy - Composition


Yuxuan Tang - Percussion


Rita Scibilia - Piano

Xuchen Zhang - Guitar

Yaoji Wang - Musical


Excellent Musicianship Special Award


Rita Scibilia - Piano

Tian Chun Yen-Piano

Xirui Wang - Piano

Xuchen Zhang - Guitar

Olga Melnychuk - Musical

Yujie Shao - Percussion

Yaoji Wang - Musical


*The teacher of the winner will also receive an E-Certificate as “Excellent Teacher Award”

The teacher of the winner will also receive an E-Certificate as “Excellent Teacher Award”

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